Monday, April 7, 2008

Bad ad 2

This Ad is very sloppy from top to bottom. The picture definitely grabs attention of everybody. With the picture alone I think this product might have sold better than giving a long explanation about the game and then showing much lower quality graphics after. The writing on the actual picture actually works very well though.

Bad Ad 1

This is a decent ad. I immedieately know what they are advertising, which is always a good sign. The way they layout the lettering is a little sloppy. The font size and color just don't work together. One way to improve this would to make the descriptions more of a list perhaps in the bottom righthand corner.

good ad 3

In this Ad we have a symmetrical pattern which immediately draws us to the center. At the center in the products name and it's motto. The lettering is very simple, mainly because the product does a great job of selling itself.

Good Ad 2

Here we have a classic "Got Milk" ad. These ads have always used recognizable celebrities, which automatically gives them immediate credibility. Everybody wants to be like there favorite celebrity. The Milk-Stache is very noticeable, though I don't ever recall getting one, I immediately recognize that this is a milk ad. There really isn't a need for great typography here, but they still do a good job of making the "got milk" larger than all the other lettering.

Good Ad 1

Cigarette ads have always been very effective in appealing to a select audience. In this particular ad, the colors and the characters stand out, which immediately grabs the younger generations attention. By using the colors, they are able to draw the audience away from the surgeon generals warning. The writing goes very well with the graphics, exhibiting a very cool, smooth look. Now I am against cigarette smoking, but the appeal this ad has is pretty enticing.